Sunday, October 19, 2008


Maybe Joe was talking about the investigation into his life and status and the criticism he was getting.

We don't have any restraint about checking into people's personal lives and revealing it publically.

He's not a public person, but came under the general papparitizi system.

The papparatzi has been getting away with things and many seem to accept the endless invasion of privacy.

That kid recently broke into Sarah Palin's e-mail. People don't know not to anymore.

It's more corporate corruption and unethical behaivor. Editors buy the stuff, the public buys the stuff, the papparatzi gets paid big bucks for it. So everybody does it cause everybody does it.

People get into bad mortages and live over their financial heads cause they see that's the way the rich do. And that's a life of excess.

Why do actors get 20 million for one movie? Cause that's what the market will bare and that's free marketing.

It's always about attitudes. And self image and it's hard to resist the size 0 standard.

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