Thursday, October 23, 2008


Peaceful. Even with an extrodinary amount of kerfuffel.

My internet box wouldn't work. And, yes. I checked plugs and batteries. (the keyboard is battery) I called, and instead of my fears playing out, all I had to do was unplug it for a few seconds to reset instead of buying a new one.

One down.

The cable guy didn't show. I called and was told that the appointment was cancelled. Nobody called me. Turns out the day I called the cable was out and it wasn't my box. I re-attached things and it works fine. I even remembered to order a new remote since a couple of the buttons wore out.

So I spent all day yesterday and half of today living fronteer television. It took considerable time and advise from the cable guy the other day just to use the tv's remote. I didn't even remember that there's buttons on the tv itself I could use. He asked and I said there's no tv controls on the tv. There are controls on the tv. I can't read them the lights so bad and they're so small, but they're there.

Joy was bad on The View today. She took a string of pot shots at Elisabeth that weren't funny no matter how much she laughed at her own jokes. Pointless and mean. But that's what happens when people go there with argument. Elisabeth and O'Reilly picked at her a lot yesterday and Elisabeth often says mean things about Democrats and won't tolerate any criticisim of the right at all. The basic discussion today was nothing to get serious about, whether or not Palin's daughter should get married now to avoid national scrutiny ***if McCain wins, or wait till next summer.

The Palin's are waiting, so of course, any suggestion that they shouldn't (cause of the election) was immediately defended by Elisabeth with lots and lots of reasons they couldn't make the wrong decision. And Joy proceeded to take her shots at Palin just to get Elisabeth. It's all really dumb. Not worth listening to at all. Either of them.

And then Cavuto. His argument today was that JFK and FDR were rich and bought expensive clothes so what's the difference if Palin does? I think they bought their own clothes for one thing.

But then Cavuto often says the rich are all Democrats and that simply isn't true. Trump and T. Pickens Boons are both Republicans, I believe, and there's a lot more of them, I'm sure.

But Palin's running the I'm just one of the folks plank. 150 for clothes is more than a lot of the folks make a year. And the Party bought them for her. And they bought them for her in a time of economic difficulty. Livin' large is so Republican.

But the Democratic representative on Cavuto today didn't come up with a very good argument. They often don't seem to. At least the young ones.

Susan Eisenhauer was also on today. As soon as she had a good response to Cavuto's remark, he lost interest. What was it about? Something to do with his spreadsheets crunching Obama's numbers and finding bad answers to that economic plan. She said the ideas are a broad generalization and what they do in office depends on what they find there. It's true. They never do what they say exactly. They can't. Sometimes they have to make deals. Compromise is mostly the name of the game. The good game.

It's funny. They're talking about Joy on the View and skipping the part where Elisabeth is just the same from the other side. They're talking about all the liberal hate speach without admitting all the conservative hate speach. Republicans don't admit fault or laugh at themselves or their candidates either. Just like Joy and Elisabeth don't.

But they're right about Joy. She's mean and not very funny. She always struck me as wounded and angry and using humor as a weapon. No, I suppose I've never been a fan of hers, either. Joy and Elvis. What a list.

Republicans have been running things for a long time. Demeaning anyone the left even as much as an inch. They absconded with God like they own him without being particularly pious. They even used God to win elections. Now Democrats, along with being bloated with wealth, can't even be considered valid believers.

So they can complain about liberals all they want. They aren't any better and they look worse to me because of all the manipulation and intellectual dishonesty. People with power always want to keep it. See: feminists regarding men. See: parents regarding children. See: most anybody regarding anything. We all want to go to the movies we want to see. And everybody knows how to manipulate. It's the first things kids learn about language and behaivor. How to get attention or the extra cookie or whatever.

Why are so many traditional Republicans bailing? They don't ask themselves, do they. The unexamined mind is the happy mind.

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