Sunday, October 19, 2008

well, this is interesting

I was watching a program on CNN, and no I don't know the name of the show or host, he interviewed the Queen of Jordan today, though, in case you want to check.

She's always very interesting and informative on the middle east. She said something about the international community not supporting the 2 state solution between Israel and Palistine. I don't know the rational for not doing so. They don't like each other. Do they need to be one country for any reason? Please, tell me.

She also said that Hamas(sp) offered services, like food, for the people so they supported their election.

I heard something interesting about Hitler once. Apparently, the Allies destroyed the German economy after WWI and the people were starving. Hitler got food on the tables.

(I'm not calling Hamas Hitler in any way - just saying.)

Americans, some of them, tend to think that we should do the things that are in our self-interest, i.e. voting for Republicans who promise to reduce taxes.

Americans, some of them, refuse to see that people are mad at us for our foreign policies over the last 100 years, give or take.

They also, some of them, don't understand that what we do effects others a lot. See: European anger. They think it doesn't matter.

They don't see that terriorism is in our best interest, in that case. It's at least half our own doing.

Cause and effect. Think things all the way out to the very end first.

It's always about attitudes more than anything else.

At the end of the program, he said some interesting things about the election. McCain, in his opinion, is too locked into cold war thinking and that doesn't exist anymore. He's too hawkish and too likely to go to war. He's to old-time Republican with his economic plans which probably won't work in the future. The world's changed and he hasn't.

The thing about Obama is Lincoln. I think Obama is too far left, but I also think that no president is ever to impliment their plans and they all say things while campaigning that people want to hear.

Lincoln didn't want to free the slaves. He didn't want to fight the Civil War. He was pushed into it somehow that I don't remember. It may have been the South ceceeding (I tried a couple of spellings for that one and nothing looks close to right.)

He did what circumstances and limitations allowed. They all do. Some are smarter than others and more flexable and luckier, maybe.

I just think that McCain will make the wrong picks.

Why did the South want to keep slavery? It was the basis of their whole economy and we see today how important that is.

The North then proceeded to destroy their economy further.

What was that? There's nothing new under the sun?

The South turned to story. They're still very, very good at it. They know suffering.

Obama's right about the lowest economic levels. People can't make enough money to live. They get to decide monthly whether to pay rent or buy food. The descrepancies are too great between rich and poor.

That 40% who don't pay taxes? It's the working poor. Do they really want to tax people who might make between 12 and 24 thousand a year? The Republicans sure bitch about them. But that's what companies pay them and Republicans support business. They're not even raising hell about all the mortages. Most of them blame the home owners. Who's gonna prosecute the exeutives? The government just AIG and others a bunch of money.

I wonder how much people have to make before people pay taxes? I know it depends on whether or not they have children and other deductions. hahahaha...there's a mortage deduction, isn't there? I don't know why this is so funny to me but it is.

Democrats really need to get a grip on economic matters. They can talk to Clinton. He seemed to have it pretty much together. He was pretty good at working with people. Still is.

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