Wednesday, May 28, 2008

and once more

Started a blog, needed the date, abandoned the blog. Here I are.

Dr tomorrow. PET scan back already - the good or the bad news? A one day turn around. Kinda fast.

Do Not Take Pills Yet. Glad I called, she also gave me an appt. I thought that's what he said, but couldn't clearly remember. Mostly it's nice to live in a fog. But there are times it causes great confusions.

So You Think You Can Dance is on tonight. I caught it by accident. More auditions? The judges make it interesting, I think. I think I don't like the show, then start watching and do like the show. Don't know if I will throughout. I often suddenly don't like shows I like and watch something else. Fickle Fan.

I had a lovely, long nap today. I'm in fine, fighting shape to stay awake this evening. Doesn't mean that I will.

Fredrick March was on What's My Line last night. Such a charming, funny man he was. I love tv.

Chickens In the Road is getting goats! I love goats. Sheep not so much. But goats are a topic of a totally different story. They can be so sweet and fun and friendly and mean and protective. Think she's getting 2, when they're old enough, for soap and cheese. I'm excited.

And her chickens are in their hen house.

So more Jon and Kate. Well, she never acknowleges that what he's doing is important, only criticizes him for not doing something she wants. Why is she the important one?

She's spinning her wheels in some ways. Endless time cleaning means less time for the kids or herself. Focusing on the 'things' means less focus on others and self. She's fear bassed, I think. If she doesn't do those things, loses control of something, the world will end or something.

I think she's in for some trouble down the road. If kids are over controled, they're likely to rebel in big ways later and she won't have any control at all. And she loves her family deeply. These things are never about love but always about the wages of behaivor. Action-reaction.

Mopping the floor 3 times a day is not going to save them.

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