Thursday, May 29, 2008

good morning blog

Hope you slept well and didn't miss me too much.

I did finish watching the auditions on Dance last night. I don't find this too compelling. I like the guest judge last week a lot and missed her last night. The judges are very fair and can be very kind and supportive to those trying out who obviously try but don't have the skills. I like that.

What else did I do? hmmm...fell asleep waiting to see someone or other on late night tv. I do like sleep better than tv and if I had to choose, I'd remain in a sleep state always. But no. I have no choice so must view tube. See? It's manditory and not my fault at all.

I saw a Jon and Kate new to me last night. They gave the twins bagals after the younger 6 had eaten and one of the littles asked and asked for bagals and got the corner. How unfair of them. Really kinda cruel to have treats for some and not others right in front of their faces and then punish them. I wonder how much of the kids whinning and acting out is a product of their parents negative behaivor. And then they all played games, parents and all, and had fun. See? Family life. Doesn't everybody screw up. No, I know. Not you.

It's driving me nuts. I lost the envelope to send a form to the pharmacy. I left it in the box. But obviously not. One of those put something down with no recollection of having it in hand or putting it somewhere and can't find it again. Not in the garbage, not on surfaces, not in plain sight or hidden sight either one. It doesn't exist - I had an hallucination.

I just looked some more and it still doesn't exist. I reshelved a stack of DVDs instead of finding it. I can't find it. I now have to call the pharmacy for their address. Will I remember? Will I blow it off? Tune in next time for how the worm turns?

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