Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The oldest of the kid teams won. They were just so darned good.

Pricilla's on. I just think she does a good job putting on a show. Moves well and has attitude.

Now Maarlee. It really is nice to see everyone again. She did so well, good dancing. Nice person. Always liked her, I guess.

Test in the morning. P.E.T. scan. I think it's the easier of the two. The head-first one is a major bastard of an experience. Loud, long and claustrophic. Wasn't sure I'd make it. In fact, I thought I was gonna die.

Shannon's up. I really like Derrick and his sister Julieanne. It's their dancing. D and J really have the spark. He and Shannon are doing a fun number.

Mario's on...I always liked his dancing. He re4ally does good. He just said ballroom's for him or something. Not an exact quote.

So. we have fuel cost/shortage problems? Why the hell don't they cancel car racing and other fuel draining events? Think, people, think. Uh, do race cars use gas? The race driver from a past series just spoke and he's driving the Indy which is what made me think of it. Think I'll google race cars and try to find out what they use. Or maybe not. I find it a useless activity, but I know lots of people love it. I just don't understand why.

Marissa. She's very impressive in lots of ways. Oh well, I'll never go to Broadway so won't ever see her act. I don't even watch movies anymore. I might have seen her on a talk-show, can't remember, but thanks Regis.

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