Friday, May 30, 2008

Ya, I lost it

I really should copy and save till I'm sure it worked. Will I? Will I remember? Another day, another episode...stay tuned. Or don't.

So, where was I? Somewhere in the lane of good/bad news. The insurance doesn't cover the prefered vomit pill so am waiting to hear what to do.

The good? I may be using the first prescription and won't have to go someplace again. The bad? Only the frustration of another pharmacy call with another non-native speaker. This one asked me about ordering entron/enron?. Huh? I asked. You know, the one you injected. Oh, the interferon. No, the doctor cancelled that. I'm asking about the vomit stuff. Do you want more entron? She asked again. I want vomit drugs. Do you want entron? NO. I want to see what's happening with the barf crap. Bad pun, I know, but I'm tired, stressed and frustrated from hell day and really running out of patience.

The bad news? The unprefered med doesn't work as well. Do I care. NO.

She didn't know what was going on with the drug deal but told me she'd call the doctor which she already should have done. I called the dr's office and left a message regarding all this so they'd know. I am not secure with that pharmacy's paperwork. They screwed up the interferon; why should this be better?

Maybe I should call them again. Maybe tomorrow.

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