Tuesday, May 27, 2008

there she goes again

Megyn at Fox News AGAIN. Apparently, she's embarased by Sharon Stone's karma and China remark. Sharon must be silenced for other's embarsement. I don't recall Megyn calling for Bush impeachment cause some of us are embarased by him. hmmm.

But does Megyn realize that to silence some effectively ends free speach for all? She's the lawyer remember.

Who gets silenced? Those who's thoughts she disagrees with? Who decides.

Her guest made some remark that hollywood actors are generally kinda stupid. I wonder if they know that Sharon Stone either can be or is a member of Mensa. She has a genius IQ accompanied by the normal human emotions.

Karma and China - well it is a supersticious belief, but all religion is. The belief in an unseen power/s. Just like Christianity. God is real to believers just like karma is to believers just like yada, yada, yada...

I didn't see any malicious intent in Sharon's statement. It may not have been thought out, but it was a red carpet statement which come fast and furious as reporters all demand attention and answers. Besides, nobody can perfectly predict what's gonna be the outcome of all words we say.

The same goes for Obama's 'sweetie' moment. She interuped him demanding answers and took him off guard and out of the moment. It's easy to make verbal mistakes anyway considering the lack of time to think first. But no. They made a big deal out of that too. Nobody wants to be treated disrespectfully and it's not a cool thing to say professionally, but she was rude.

Why doesn't anybody but me think of these things? Maybe they don't have the time.

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