Sunday, May 18, 2008

Yes, indeed!

What's on tv? NOTHING. As usual on weekends. This is one of my funner grouses.

Ace of Cakes is on. Reruns that I've seen. I like it. Geof strikes me as so smart, I'm scared of him. The bright, quiet kid. They're always dangerous with the brain power. I really admire him. It's a fun place to visit. These guys are clever and talented and capable. Have to admire all of them.

I played a new rent-a-game all the way through. No sweat. I think it's for 7 year olds. Disney's Princess game. Probably great for little girls. It'd bee too boring for me to play again. Plesant hours verging on tedium. I'm glad to find out my gamming level. Are I? It's embarasing that games for 10 year olds are too hard for me. Sorta. The good ones are fun even if I get stuck which is inevitable.

I'm determined. I'll swear I'll read the directions for the microwave, which I finally set up, and learn how to change the power level, use the auto set thingies. I never could figure it out with the old one and also never read the pamphlet. But this time will be different. I already read the sentence on how to set the power level. I'm all set.

But it was almost a tragedy. My coffee cup is too tall for the opening. Disaster. I tried it without the lid and success. Didn't know what I'd do. I was stuck. But now everything's all better. Even though it totally screwed up my system. I hate trying to remember new things.

The doctor tomorrow. guess I'll find out what he wants to do. Have to have the bumps removed, I guess, since they're melanomas.

I'm eating crackers and cheese. I ate all the cereal.

Star Jones gets no good press. People seem to really dislike her. In big bunches. Things aren't going well for her right now. One of life's valleys most likely. She should learn how and when to keep her mouth shut. Or figure out better things to say. She keeps hurting herself in an effort for vindication. It's not working. She's a good Christian girl. Who can do no wrong with Jesus on her side. The power of the's an attitude and behaivor set I often see in Christians, of the born again/fundamentalists persuation. There's no real kindness in them. They have a better mousetrap.

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