Thursday, May 22, 2008

Whoopie Gold erg

And Leah Remini(I surely butchered the spelling of her name for which I deeply appologize)and Neopets and whatever topics I wander into.

{Ending sentences with prepositions banning is a fake grammar rule. Happily break it any and all selected times}

But first, the important stuff. Regis and Kelly's show had Christie and her partner on and they JIVED. Most excellent way to start the day, the very best way in fact. Excellent routine. Regis - thanks AGAIN!

Leah business. Saw a clip on Rachael Ray with the update on her 3 year olds difficulties. Sleeps with them and still on the bottle. Well, Leah's reason was that her mother's heart wouldn't allow her to make her kid suffer or something. That takes care of her emotions, but doesn't help her kid. Her mother got the girl over the bottle, she couldn't do it. What's she gonna do with an adolescent if she doesn't have the strength and character to deal with a baby? How will the kid have any respect for her, listen to her when she doesn't establish her status and in charge and leader? I don't know how. But how true of humanity, doing that which pleases the self and hurts the other. She's hurting her kid by not being the disiplinarian. And doing nothing for her own heart. I really like her acting, though. Enjoyed King of Queens mostly for Stiller, but I always got a kick out of her, too.

And Whoopie. Well, she mentioned the high European gas prices as compared to ours. A remark I've often heard. But the response I've heard to that is their gas is highly taxed to pay for their social services. We don't have the services to compensate for the expense.

But first, Julieann from Dancing is Singing on the View. She's most excellent. She's such an inspiration and role model and a an enjoyable singer. I can even understand most of the words which doesn't happen too often. Couldn't catch most of Usher's lyrics. Always minimizes the entertainment value.

But singers. Well, saw k.d. Lange on Ferguson last night. What a warm, powerful, compelling voice she has. Then I remember all the kids, the Idol singers and others and say what? There is just no comparison to make with real voices like Streisand and Sinatra Middler ABBA (crap, can you tell I'm starting to list personal favorites?) Julie Andrews, et al, who really got the pipes.

The others are good, have entertainmen value and shouldn't be banned from the public in any way. But they're just not that.

This is strictly personal opinion, but I'll tell you all what to think and probably what to do. Really.

Neopets. I found more walkthroughs since the first one was incomplete and I'd already passed it in gameplay.

I half-way finished the problem mission, got stuck again. The ending of this part has nothing to do with the quest, and you're not supposed to kill the knights. I'd never have figured it out. Walkthrough magic...I worship thee. Or seriously appreciate them anyway.

Back to the walkthrough.

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