Tuesday, May 27, 2008

there and back again

Did the deed. And what did I forget? To dress warmly. They have heated blankets. No sweat, uh, I mean no shivers. See? This is my life experience. I always forget something

I asked about the carbs. It's the sugar. Cancer cells grow quickly and abscond with all the nutrients, sugars, so the injection is a radio active stew of that and sugar. It'll concentrate in the cancer cells since they're so greedy.

Also, I am the source. X-rays machines have the source, but in this it's the person who have the source. Opposite system. Don't ask.

I did well on the low carb numbers. They do a blood test before the injection to be sure it's a go.

She told me the story of the lady who text messaged throughout the hour rest period. It had to be redone. After the injection, there's a required don't move period to give the junk time to circulate and accumulate. I asked if I could read and got a big NO. Don't move means don't move hands, arms eyeballs. Take a nap. I did fall asleep during the machine section which really helps with the amount of time I couldn't scratch and really, really wanted to.

I'm mad at Fox New again. So what's new. On America's Newsroom ( that's self-styled naming, by the way and has nothing to do with truth, reality or the American way of like except for the self-promotion of it all) they ran the phone call between the Hogans. The mom, obviously distressed at circumstances, got totally trashed by the reporters(?). The Megyn, an lawyer said there's no criminal charges connected to the contents of the conversation. So why is it a news story? What's the public interest in it? It seems to be an exercise in further trashing the reputations of people they don't like. Any parent might say such things in similar situtitions. And how do the news people know it's not true about the injured boy's mother? They don't know anything but jump to and lead others to conclusions and attitudes that may easily be unfounded. Good lawyer thinking.

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