Tuesday, July 15, 2008

a blog a day

When did this turn into more than Dancing with the Stars?

Now I have to reveal my breakfast plans. French toast, by the way, eggs plus.

All I can say is, "At least I'm cooking."

Sewing machine's in repair shop. They don't answer their phone. Another store that uses answering machine to leave a message for a call back. Why don't these people leave their locations on the message? Mostly that's the information I need. But I found it without too much trouble. It's on a very, very long street. I started with a strip mall so I could see where I was in the streeet numbers and which way to go for sure. I went the wrong way, but got my directional answers.

Do you know how hard it is to see numbers and drive at the same time? Well, I found it and very close to home it is. That made me happy. I guess that's my new system. Go out and drive around for hours trying to find streets and which way the numbers go and which shopping centers these stupid places are in. I really don't like driving except for the independence and choice it gives.

The machine is dirty. Needs cleaning real bad. And a proper oiling. And regular servicing. And general care. It works good. Makes lots of shorts and maybe skirts. He said it'd be done by tomorrow, maybe today. I'll get it tomorrow. And I didn't spend my gas money this time either. And I want to. Maybe I will.

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