Saturday, July 12, 2008

I sew

So I blog. The two go together, don't they.

It gives me the much needed break to clear the mind and prepare for the next possible set of mistakes.

But so far, so mistakeless. Unusual and no complaining from me. I have the opportunity to forget to reset the stitch length to normal, but that's the least of possibilities from this den of thread and cussing.

I got the hems done and the waistband ready to go on the shorts. Then the next, and probably last pair of shorts or the skirt?

Always the question. Haven't wanted to sew at all lately, but that might be the heat. Weather broke yesterday. Finally. Wonder how hot it got. I never do check on these things, just catch them sometimes.

Do I sew? And if so, what? Probably should do the skirt. That fabric needs either a lining or a slip. Probably go for a slip since it has multiple uses. Guess I could make a slip. Just make a skirt. Already comes with an elastic waist. But then there's the hairy leg problem all over again.

Had no sleep the night before last, so slept through the meeting with the Sisters yesterday. Worked out good since they didn't make it over anyway. Got involved with an emergency move for someone, then couldn't find my number. Doesn't matter. They're ok and I laughed. Worked out real well. God must have arranged it. I'm not smart enough.

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