Saturday, July 5, 2008

Never woke up today

Even with a nap. Not awake at all all day. Very strange day, indeed.

So no sewing. Not much eating, either. Must be he drugs. Just started taking them tonight. Almost missed last night. Fell asleep and didn't want to wake up to take them, but I did. Not a happy pill popper.

Coppied out lots of recipes. The other day. Today I mostly played Animal Crossings. Errased a town and started over yesterday. Today started going to another town just to get some oranges. The game seems to be out of them. This is the second town that hasn't provided any through animal letters. Will have to try to get the rest of the paintings, too. The last town never built the store to the largest size, either. Wonder if I wore the poor thing out making towns.

Church tomorrow. Have some reading to finish. We'll see. Watching an old Saturday Night Live. Haven't watched any of them for years. Used to watch them all the time. This is from 1999, Jennifer Aniston hosts. Good cast year, too. Might watch the new one on later. If I'm awake.

Gee. What'll I wear to church, like I've a choice. Never got any stockings. Can't really afford them and I just feel weird going without. Could wear the knee socks. I wore them to see Donna and felt ok, but there wasn't a room full of people, either. The Mormons won't care if they're socks or stockings. They might not care if I'm bare legged. I do, though. And I'd have to shave. That means looking for a working razor and blade. I could look.

Sting's playing on Sat. Nite Live now. He's really not bad. Never seen him much. hahaha...mostly on talk shows. I am truly culturally incapacitated.

At least I know who he is. Sort of.

Wish I could read. Wish I could do mostly anything. Internet and games get real old. Not real fast...been doing these for lots of years now. Maybe 2 or 3. Even now, I can tell you nothing about either activity. I'd rather be a good sewer which I never shall be. Maybe a miracle? I'll ask the Mormons.

Can't tell if S. Price liked my 'secret ingredient in the baptisimal font or not joke. I like it. A lot. The funny part is I think that the results are true. Mormons are just sincerely nice and I can't figure where it comes from. Must be a secret ingredient. And the font is the most like place to keep it.

6 pills down, 5 to go. One multi-pill deal is for another thing. Two medicated conditions with lots and lots of pills. One pill is too many.

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